Week 6 - "I know I'm Supposed to Keep This a Secret, But..."
This will be a very short paragraph today. My main focus is finishing my novel. Prompt The plane lifts off the runway and into the air. The person next to you turns and quietly whispers in your ear, "I know I'm supposed to keep this a secret, but I absolutely must tell someone." My Creativity The plane had just taken off, and I was trying to get comfortable. Unfortunately the plane had been overbooked, and I didn't end up with a window seat like I'd requested. I guess that's why people pay the extra for guaranteed seating. To make matters worse, I didn't get the aisle seat either. I was in the middle. They guy by the window was already snoring and the person on the aisle wouldn't stop fidgeting. I put in my headphones, leaned my seat back, and closed my eyes. Even though I am a frequent flyer, I have never been a good passenger. No, I am not one of these people who drinks to get through a flight, nor do I get agitated. In fact, if you were t...