
Showing posts from January, 2013

Week 14 - (Week 11 from sheet) Create a New Human-esque Race

Prompt Create a new human-esque race and describe it as thoroughly as possible. Be sure to describe appearance, culture, values, beliefs... Creativity On a small island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, a small tribe of creatures exist in relative harmony. Very few people are aware of the island, much less the tribe. It has been said that from a distance they look like humans, but up close their skin sparkles and their tiny ears sit on either side of their forehead. Some have described their ears as soft tuffs of fur similar to a rabbit, others say they are harder like antlers. I say why can't they be both? Perhaps it is the females who have the soft tuffs of fur and the males have the antlers. They are of slight build and stature. Their joints for flexible than ours. Graceful? I believe it is what makes the so agile. Life on the island is very different from the societies we know. Each home rests high in the trees and connected to the other homes only by vines. Even thoug...


So here's the thing, I've lost the sheet with the prompts. I think I left it behind when I went away for the holidays. Instead of looking for more prompts online, I've been busy filling my time with other things. I have now added a reminder in my calendar for every Monday morning. I promise I will do what I can to never miss a week again.