Week 7 - Taking Drastic Measures

Around mid-morning one day, you realize that everything that is happening seems really familiar. After much thought you realize that your life has fallen into a terrible rut and now you must take drastic measures to find a way out of it. Write the scene where you make a life-changing decision.

My Creativity
Ask me what is on TV at a certain time of day, and I will likely be able to tell you. I wake up and start my day with coffee in front of the TV. I do laundry, in front of the TV, I work with the TV on...I think you get the point. I work from home, and I don't like being alone. It's too quite. I need to have noise

The problem at the moment is that life has become too predictable. There is no element of surprise, no change from one day to the next. My life has become such a routine. I think that it is the routine making my decisions and not my brain. If that isn't a rut, I don't know what it.

Surrounded by crumpled pieces of paper, a pile of laundry waiting to be folder, and a stack of dirty dishes wanting to be cleaned, I know that this rut has to end. As irrational as it is, I know that I only have one option. I must pack up my life and leave the country. I must start fresh.

I pack very few items. Part of starting over will include recreating myself. Out with the old and in with the new. Isn't that how the cliche goes? After calling the cab to drive me to the airport, I look around my house. There is only one thing left to do.

I walk towards the kitchen table and place the note on top. I hope that my husband finds it before the kids. The cab honks to signal its arrival. Before heading out the door, I gently brush the family photo in the hallway. I don't even have the words to apologize. I am not sorry to be leaving, but I am sorry that they will be hurt by my decision.


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